Baby Owen Masterson, born in Missouri, USA, entered the world with a rare condition called acalvaria, where the baby is born without the bones of the face and skull. Parents Tom and Jessica were told by doctors that their son had little chance of survival and were advised to consider aborting the pregnancy.
The condition was discovered during a 24-week ultrasound when doctors couldn’t confirm if Owen’s brain was entirely covered by his skull. Seeking more insight, Tom and Jessica consulted an ultrasound specialist who confirmed “very abnormal brain development” but couldn’t provide a specific diagnosis. At 27 weeks pregnant, they learned that Owen had acalvaria, a condition with low chances of survival.
Despite medical recommendations for abortion, Tom and Jessica decided to proceed with the pregnancy. Owen’s birth brought happiness to the family, with Jessica feeling that he was safe during his time in the womb.
Owen defied expectations and was allowed to go home a day and a half after birth. Despite facing challenges such as an ear infection and a stomach virus in his first year, Owen survived in a fairly stable condition. However, he faces difficulties in crawling or moving like other babies, requiring mobility aids.
Now at the age of 4, Owen continues to maintain relatively good health despite the absence of a skull and other birth defects. His family remains optimistic, believing in his strength against adversity for the past 4 years. Tom and Jessica occasionally share pictures of Owen on their social media, portraying him as a resilient “warrior” in whom they consistently place their trust.