McClelland, a former astronaut and a past member of the MUFON commission tasked with gathering UFO information, has unveiled a remarkable revelation asserting both his and NASA’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrial existence. This disclosure centers around an encounter with an intelligent disc-shaped object during the STS-80 mission aboard the Columbia shuttle.
In an exclusive interview with ‘The Canadian,’ McClelland divulged classified details of this extraordinary incident, a narrative later corroborated by Dr. Franklin Story Musgrave, a fellow crew member on the STS-80 mission.
The astronauts found themselves in awe as a disc-shaped object, notably larger than the shuttle, materialized abruptly at an altitude of around 190 miles (306 kilometers). Musgrave affirmed witnessing the object but couldn’t ascertain its origin. Uniquely, this particular object seemed to manifest seemingly out of thin air, leaving a profound impact.
Upon their return to Earth, Musgrave reviewed a video recording capturing the Columbia’s encounter with the UFO over Denver, Colorado. He described the object as exhibiting intelligent control, deliberately altering its flight path. The most perplexing aspect was its apparent tracking of the Columbia and its crew through space.
Post-mission, Musgrave not only became convinced of the existence of extraterrestrials but also of their presence here on Earth. This profound realization prompted the astronaut to initiate a personal mission aimed at disclosing this information.
In a climactic moment during an astronomy conference, Musgrave astonished the audience by presenting images depicting an artist’s representation of malevolent gray extraterrestrials on a large screen, unequivocally stating, “These beings are real, I assure you.”
This revelation aligns with other significant disclosures made by retired U.S. military personnel urging the government to cease concealing the truth, recounting instances of extraterrestrial interference with nuclear bases.
Several NASA members, including Gordon Cooper, Donald Slayton, Gene Cernan, Frank Borman, Neil Armstrong, and Scott Carpenter, have openly attested to the reality of UFOs and the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial beings.