Born in Clearwater, Florida, James McCallum, a 19-month-old infant, earned the endearing nickname “Little Ninja Turtle” from his parents due to a peculiar growth on his back, resembling a “turtle shell.” The unique moniker stems from a rare skin condition that baffled medical professionals.
Kaitlyn McCallum, James’ 35-year-old mother, shared that prenatal ultrasounds failed to provide any insights into the baby’s condition before his birth on August 19, 2021. Concerns arose when the McCallums noticed scabbing and the emergence of lumps on James’ back, initially resembling a birthmark but raising worries as it appeared to be more than that.

As the mark evolved, taking on the appearance of a large mole, covering 75% of his back, the McCallums sought medical attention. The doctors were initially uncertain about the nature of the condition, and tests were conducted, with results awaited for several months.

The massive lump on James’ back, akin to a turtle shell, prevented him from sleeping on his back, compelling him to adopt a side-sleeping position. In February 2022, James underwent his inaugural surgery to remove the mass, preceded by an MRI to evaluate internal growth. Fortunately, no internal growth was identified.

Following the surgery, the removed skin underwent testing for diseases, yielding reassuringly positive results. Concerned about potential regrowth, the McCallums joined a Facebook group, connecting with others experiencing similar conditions and learning about various symptoms and side effects, including itchiness and the absence of sweat glands.

Engaging with a specialist in Chicago, the McCallums initiated tissue expansion in September 2022. This surgical procedure involves growing “good” skin to replace the removed skin, achieved by injecting saline into expanders placed beneath the skin at home on a weekly basis.

Post-surgery, James exhibited increased comfort and happiness, prompting the McCallums to aim for the completion of the process by summer. Despite the inevitability of minimal scarring, the parents expressed gratitude that the condition manifested on James’ back rather than his face.

James will carry minimal scarring, and his parents are thankful for the improved quality of life the surgery has brought. They are willing to accept the presence of scars, considering it a preferable outcome compared to coping with the challenging condition.